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May 17, 2022
managing people
As I slightly progress in my career and further develop my identity as an "adult," it seems that the inevitable has become a reality - I...
Dec 15, 2021
work from home vs in-person
I'm "blessed" to say that I'm one of the lucky few in my generation to have experienced both in-person work and WFH, having graduated in...
Nov 22, 2021
how I make Youtube Videos
I've had quite a few people (mostly in my personal life) ask me about how I go about making my videos. Unsurprisingly, I have yet to see...
Oct 26, 2021
what I do for a living
Whenever I'm back home or I run into someone I haven't met in awhile (typically people in my parent's age group who are curious about...
Oct 6, 2021
do all these tools really make us more efficient
Lately I've become very aware of the various tools we use in this day and age of digital work - especially for those working remotely,...
Sep 21, 2021
Could be the word of the year or maybe even the century - at this point it's almost glorified, to the extent where if you haven't...
Sep 8, 2021
do resumes matter?
I've always wondered this since I've written my first resume for a job - now that I've been on both the applying and reviewing ends of...
Jul 19, 2021
thoughts I have regarding internal motivation
Having the drive to keep going on whatever you're doing, whether that's your career, a hobby or life in general, is perhaps the hardest...
Jul 8, 2021
should we go back into the office?
This is probably at top of mind for many company leaders as we transition from pretending that the pandemic is over to the pandemic being...
Jun 30, 2021
is it possible to be real friends with co-workers?
After you enter the "post-high school world," I cynically separate friendships into three categories associated with our favorite, money:...
Jun 23, 2021
networking is the most important thing in career building
I know - typical ex-investment banker thing to say. Let me try my best to defend myself here without coming across as a career elitist!...
Jun 2, 2021
are we amidst a career revolution or are we just lazy
I don't recall the last time I've had a conversation with someone who is in love with their job, it's actually quite the contrary. And I...
May 25, 2021
things I wish I knew about jobs before I became an adult
We all have those moments where we think "if I knew the things I knew now and was 18 again, I'd be so much happier." These thoughts...
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