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Oct 10, 2022
living life to the fullest
Since I started my Youtube channel in January of 2020, my self-branded slogan has been "live life to the fullest." I've been an...
Aug 2, 2022
my thoughts after a week in the Dominican Republic
This post is long overdue but I have not been in the right peace of mind in the past three weeks to properly reflect on my time as a...
Jul 5, 2022
letting God do it all
With four days and one meeting left before I head off to my first short term missions in five years (and as a "real adult") I thought I'd...
Mar 21, 2022
being grateful
I just came off a weekend filled with the Lord (it was an in-town church retreat), so I may be coming off from a spiritual high. Please...
Dec 7, 2021
Being present and letting God
Our church is finally doing in-person "special" morning prayer after a 2 year hiatus, and given the build-up to my move to NYC, recent...
Nov 30, 2021
Why I've been praying wrong and so have you (probably)
To make up for the year and half of lost in-person worship time (thanks to our friend Gavin and Pritzker), I've been attending two...
Nov 1, 2021
why am I always worried
I actually don't recall the last time I didn't have some form of anxiety or concern - I try my best to blame this onto things (many times...
Oct 4, 2021
when I pray
I've been pretty exhausted recently for a wide variety of reasons - frankly most of the reasoning is all internal and aspects of my life...
Sep 15, 2021
Positivity vs Negativity as a Christian
I've always cringed at the phrase "positive mindset" and works like "The Secret" as (1) a rather cynical person and (2) an inherent...
Sep 2, 2021
church shopping
I've been an "active member" of a church (the "a" is purposeful) since birth as someone who's been born into the faith, obviously ranging...
Aug 25, 2021
thoughts I have on death
Perhaps not the most ideal blog post title to wake up to, but it'd be a gross understatement to say that the unbelievable events that...
Aug 12, 2021
comparison & superiority
A core component of Christianity, at least in my understanding of what "sound theology" should be is the idea that under God, we are all...
Jul 22, 2021
why I think praise is more important than prayer
As controversial my posts may be, I think this one might be the most controversial to date. I want to make it very clear that this is not...
Jul 14, 2021
is not evangelizing a sin
As much as I consider myself to be and profess myself as an "active Christian," I recently realized that outside of a missions setting,...
Jun 29, 2021
Being Born into Christianity
I don't struggle with this anymore but a prominent aspect of my faith has been tied to the reality that I was born into it. The "Jun...
Jun 9, 2021
constantly failing
Ever since I began my daily reading of the Word (I've actually never read the book End to End - count me in your typical born-into...
Jun 1, 2021
is in-person church important?
Yes. Starting in March 2020, many religious gatherings were forbidden from meeting in-person per CDC and state guidelines. It's no...
May 19, 2021
coming to terms with the reality that we can't all be a David or Peter
One of the worst (and potentially best) byproducts of the individuality culture of our generation is our inherent belief that we're...
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